Any woman “willing to contribute her prayers, gifts, and services for the work of the Church” may join the United Church Women (UCW). Along with providing important networking and social bonding opportunities, the UCW has led discussions on, for example, feminism and restorative justice. Indeed, says Moderator Jordan Cantwell, United Church Women are the “hands and feet” of the church.
In 1962 the UCW (United Church Women) was created as the successor to the Woman’s Missionary Society (WMS), a world mission-oriented service and study group that supported almost 100 active missionaries around the world. The Woman’s Association (WA) at that time focused on work in the local church and community. Guilds and Ladies’ Aids were the WA’s forerunners; in the early years, these units went unrecorded, just doing what needed to be done, spiritually, financially, and socially.
Today, that spirit of generosity continues in active UCWs in congregations, presbyteries, and Conferences from coast to coast to coast, united in expressing their devotion to Jesus Christ in Christian witness, study, fellowship, and service.
Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month in members homes. Contact the current UCW President, Carlotta Liechti at 604-898-9011 if you need more information.